30 Jan Placenta Effect
Placenta Effect is an artistic concept by Caro Quirán, born between oceans and mountains, through fleeting encounters among friends guided by a seemingly faulty compass—one that, after navigating many seas, with all the whims that time brings, stubbornly insists on pointing south.
The notions that shaped this proposal include inhabiting as a subjective experience, common threads between collective and individual memory, the re-signification of habitat—understanding both the inside and outside of the body as a single organism—and the relativity of distance. For the first iteration of Efecto Placenta, a collective of local and international artists was formed. Felipe Mejía Medina co-directed the concept and logistics alongside Caro Quirán.
The collective exhibition is structured around three pillars: Home, Confrontation/Migration, and Reconciliation/Return. It includes a photography exhibition by Caro Quirán, Felipe Mejía Medina, and Andrés Felipe Dorado Imbachí; a contemporary dance performance by Valentina Zúñiga, featuring Sileny Laos, Angie Daniela Hernández, and Laura Isabel Herrán; original music by Pablo Tobar; and a video performance by Caro Quirán.
The performance was divided into three three-minute sequences, referencing the number nine as a symbol of the completion of cycles. The spiral staircase separating the museum’s halls was used as an umbilical cord, guiding the audience toward a symbolic “birth” into the photographic exhibition—where the circular journey of departure and constant return to oneself begins.
The exhibition took place on September 25, 2023, at La Casa Museo Negret y Museo Iberoamericano de Arte Moderno de Popayán, under the curatorship of Richard Bravo, Maicol Sánchez, and Natasa Mackuljak.