Utopia of Alliances, Conditions of Impossibilities and the Vocabulary of Decoloniality. 2013 Editorial Group for Writing Insurgent Genealogies: Sheri Avraham, Annalisa Cannito, Miltiadis Gerothanasis, Marina Gržinić, Marissa Lôbo, Ivana Marjanović and Caro Quirán Löcker Editorial ...

This journal is a special edition for the research trip we did to Zagreb, Croatia while studying at the Fine Arts Academy in Vienna. The contributions of different artists and students are mainly focused on issues of migration, borders and how the outsider is...

“The claim that all intelligence is equal, in terms of potential for development, is the main tenet of » universal teaching, « which arose through the work of Joseph Jacotot and was revived by Jacques Rancière, in which an unlearned individual gains knowledge through the...

Maiz - autonomous centre by and for migrant women in Linz, The Collective Critical Education, Counselling and Cultural Work by and for migrant women in Linz and Teneke - Association for the Promotion of Art, Culture, Science and Communication in Vienna. Eds. “Migrazine - Online Magazine...

“Provocation magazine is a platform that aims to vocalize problems in areas such as politics, culture and society, and to reflect on literal and theoretical discourses in a visual and theoretical manner. Through this platform we want to give ourselves and other artists along with...