12 Apr Migrazina
Illustration: Jana Drozdova
Text: Caro Quirán
Migrazine. Online Magazine from Migrant Women for All.
Reorganizing Security. Issue 2. 2020
Maiz – autonomous centre by and for migrant women in Linz, The Collective Critical Education, Counselling and Cultural Work by and for migrant women in Linz and Teneke – Association for the Promotion of Art, Culture, Science and Communication in Vienna. Eds.
“Migrazine – Online Magazine by Migrants for All is a multilingual magazine published by maiz (Autonomous Centre by & for Migrants) in Linz, Austria. Migrazine went online for the first time in 2009 and was born out of the desire to make critical migrant voices more audible in the media public sphere and to stand up against the stereotypical portrayal of migrants. Since then, Migrazine has been participating in the media landscape in a self-organised way, interfering in the prevailing discourse. Migrazine has been fighting – since its foundation until today – above all for the development of the framework conditions that contribute to the participation and articulation of migrants as protagonists and actors in the media.
The content covered in Migrazine is diverse, and often not only migration-related issues are at the centre. However, the view is always shaped by the experience and social positioning as migrants. Migrazine understands the category “migrant” as a political identity, i.e. as a “designation of an oppositional position” and in the sense of a “feminist and anti-racist partisanship” (FeMigra).”
In her contribution Diamonds in the Backyard: On an Experimental Art Project About Unveiling our True Selves, Caro Quirán tells about the birth of her Stories Lab project with her colleague Jana Drozdova in the midst of the global spread of covid 19. A moment that forced many people to slow down and rethink what structures sustain their privileges and what strategies are possible for the creation of spaces where difficult life experiences can become a tool of strength.
Contributors: Shenja Danz for the BigSibling Collective, Daniela Ortíz, H. Neşe Özgen, Melanie Brazzell, Simona Durisova, Forensic Architecture, Zeynep Arslan, Zora Nikolic, Lia Kastiyo-Spinósa, Amalia Álvarez R., Ezgi Erol, Gabriela Grodillo, Kollektiv, Caro Quirán, Antikolonialer Interventionen in Wien, Jovana Kocić Jurić & Marija Marjanović, Natasha Bobb and IBUS.